

Revised April 2013


SECTION 1.  The title of this organization shall be Catron County Search And Rescue Inc., hereafter referred to as CATSAR.  CATSAR is comprised entirely of volunteers and shall not involve itself in any emergency situation without proper authorization.

SECTION 2.  The purpose of CATSAR shall be to assist in the searching for and rescuing/recovering of lost and/or injured persons in accordance with the New Mexico State Search and Rescue Laws.

SECTION 3.  CATSAR shall have an elected Board consisting of the following Officers; President, Vice-President, Secretary and/or Treasurer, Training Officer, and at least one other Board Member.  As needed, committees and other supporting positions may be appointed by the President to serve the goals and operations of CATSAR.


SECTION 1.  The first Wednesday of each month from March through November shall be designated as the regular meeting of CATSAR, unless scheduled for training exercises at a different day and location, i.e. mock searches and field exercises. The meetings shall start at 6:00 PM and end at 7:30 PM, unless otherwise determined by a simple majority of members attending.  Meetings will be held at Pie Town, New Mexico.

SECTION 2.  A special or emergency meeting may be called by the President or a simple majority of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3.  The President shall call Board of Directors meetings as needed.

SECTION 4.  The regular meeting in the month of April in odd-numbered years shall be the time when Board Members and Officers are elected and assume their duties for the term elected.


SECTION 1.  All Board Members/Officers shall be a member of CATSAR for one year prior to being elected.

SECTION 2.  Officer Job Descriptions.

  1. President:
    1. Conducts all meetings.
    2. Appoints committees, as needed, to conduct CATSAR business and for the research & development of plans and proposals to further the goals of CATSAR operations.
    3. Responsible for presenting an annual budget and training program.
  2. Vice-President:
    1. Assumes the duties of the President when the President is absent.
  3. Secretary:
    1. Keeps minutes and voting records of all meetings
    2. Keeps and maintains records of CATSAR missions.
    3. Sends out meeting notices prior to meeting dates.
    4. Keeps and maintains necessary legal CATSAR records and files for governmental regulation.
  4. Treasurer:
    1. Keeps a correct accounting of CATSAR funds and renders statements of expenses and income as requested.
    2. Deposits all money received into and pays bills from CATSAR account.
    3. Prepares and submits annual tax reports to appropriate Federal/State agencies.
  5. Training Officer:
    1.  Conducts training sessions at regular meetings.
    2. Organizes field training sessions for Mock Searches and search techniques that are practiced outside of regular meetings.
    3. In concert with the President, will develop and administer a schedule of training programs to be offered at the regular meeting
    4. Keeps training records and a list of members’ SAR certifications.

SECTION 3.  Election of Officers.

  1. All officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote using a secret ballot, or by a voice (yea/nay) vote when that procedure is properly motioned and seconded by voters.
  2. The term of all officers shall be for two years.
  3. In the event of a duly elected officer being unable to complete a term of office, the President may appoint an individual for the remainder of the term.


SECTION 1.  All members are volunteers and have no mandatory obligation to respond to missions, but when on a mission are required to adhere to mission protocols, training guidelines, and applicable CATSAR Bylaws.

SECTION 2.  CATSAR members shall not carry a firearm while on a mission unless:

  1. The member has a New Mexico Concealed Carry Permit, and
  2. The Incident Commander of the mission has approved it, and
  3. Other search team members are advised and have the option to withdraw from the team.


SECTION 1.  These bylaws may be amended by submitting the proposed amendment, in writing and signed by the member(s) proposing the amendment, to the Secretary who will read the proposed amendment to the membership at the next regular meeting. Following consideration of the proposed amendment by the membership, it shall be tabled until the next regular meeting, at which time a vote shall be taken on the proposal. A two-thirds majority vote of members present shall be necessary for the amendment to become part of the bylaws.

SECTION 2.  The Secretary shall see that all members receive a copy of the current by-laws, proposed amendments to the bylaws, and amended bylaws.



  1. Meeting called to order
  2. Reading and approval of previous meeting minutes.
  3. Voting on previously tabled proposals
  4. SAR Mission and committee reports
  5. Communications
  6. New Business
  7. Training Session
  8. Adjournment

SECTION 2.  Robert’s Rules of Order will govern conduct of all meetings.

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